Shoppers in the Four States make the most of Sales Tax Free Weekend
05/08/2014 16:08
For parents with kids heading back to school, getting them prepared could be a drain on the pocketbook.
"It is real pricey because their feet grow probably three inches per ye cheap nike free run 2.r," said Travis Sills, parent. "I nike free sale. appears like we purchase 3 or 4 different pairs of shoes, so it is expensive."
Some say that expense continues to grow every year.
"It gets a little more expensive as they get old."
Gorham says she also has the extra expense of finding new volleyball gear for her 7th grade daughter, Jessica, which is why they took advantage of Nike Free 5.0 men White Black.the tax-free chance.
"The discount is good enough that it allows you to get an additional thing," Gorham said. "Depending on how much you spend, you can get that one extra item, which is amazing."
"It's always nice to have just that little bit extra away," said Karen Brock, parent.
"Everything counts," said Elizabeth Sills, parent.
"It's enough to bring folks in to shop especially for that reason," said Shawn Rosier, Assistant Supervisor, Academy Sports & Outdoors.
Academy Sports & Outdoors in Joplin managed at full staff all weekend.
"A lot of them will try and get it all at once, so that makes it just a little bit feverish, but it makes it a lot of fun also," Rosier said.
Rosier says it was a successful tax free weekend complete.
Many of the youngsters at the moment are feeling more prepared to return to school.
"I feel so excited because I can see my old friends from school that I never see in summer," said Sierra Keatts, 3rd grader.
"I feel really excited to see my teachers," said Avian Monroe, 5th grader.
Oklahoma and Arkansas also had tax-free holidays this weekend, but Kansas doesn't have a Sales Tax Free Weekend.